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Klima Kids


Updated: Mar 5, 2019

Klima, the Greek word for climate and the namesake of the campaign, provides us the opportunity to innovatively educate young students about climate change.

This campaign aims to bring climate change education and action items to grade school students through two phases:

Website: Podcast + Printable Coloring Sheets

The telling of stories through the perspective of endangered species via podcasts that could be listened to in classrooms, as bedtime stories, for homework, or car rides.

Coloring Campaign

A coloring campaign that will make accompanying coloring menus that could be pitched to local or regional restaurants featuring the characters and information from the podcasts.


In the last three weeks the project has moved along in the vision, mission, and planning details. The Klima Team was able to nail down exactly what the project is going to look like (website + coloring campaign) and where we want to distribute the content.

We have already confirmed a presentation we will be making at the Tallahassee Museum and for students at the Grace Missions preschool. Additionally, the five main characters featured in the podcasts and coloring sheets will be a Manatee, Roseate Spoonbill, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, a Key Deer, and a Florida Panther. All of which will have distinct personalities, names, voices, and will tell their own stories on the podcast available online. The podcasts are currently in the script writing phase.

Lastly, the team was able to meet with social media consultants to imagine what we want the online presence of the campaign to look like. The branding of the campaign is almost complete and plans for the website include:

  • Klima Questions: Question portal where students can ask pressing questions. Also, the questions and answers can be turned into social media graphics.

  • Klima Kid of The Week: Featuring students that are doing work pertaining to climate change.

  • Featuring Drawing: Featuring one drawing shared via #KlimaKids.

  • Fun Facts.

  • Printable coloring sheets.

  • Action Items for young students.

The group smiles for the camera as they work confirming calendar plans and website ideas in Bellamy 201.

Coloring Sheet- Roseate Spoonbill drawn by Carolina

Logo and color scheme designed by Isa

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