We have been working hard on scheduling and conducting our interviews. We have reached out to fisherman, farmers, trail leaders, rangers, and artists in North Florida, and we have generated a lot of interest in our project. We had our first interview last Tuesday with Dr. Chanton and it went fairly well. It was mostly a learning experience, but now we know what might go wrong and will do what we can to assure that these issues don't occur again in the future. We had our second interview today with Dr. Pau, and have two more interviews on Saturday in Sopchoppy and St. George Island, with Robert Seidler and Captain Tim Peterson, who have both lived here most of their lives and work daily in nature. We are working on scheduling more interviews for the coming weeks, as we want to collect more than enough content so that we don't fall short. In the next few days we will start piecing together footage, so we can input it as we go.
We have also been reaching out to Tallahassee organizations to help plug the final project and give us connections. The Environmental Service Program said they would love to share our video and they have followed our Instagram page. We're working on forming connections with local organizations in order to make our project the best it can be.