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Turning The Tides 2069 (Mocumentary) update 2


This most recent meeting on April 2nd has been incredibly valuable for our group. Before we were a bit scattered with each other’s schedules but have finally cracked down on a reliable schedule to tackle the production. For the past few weeks, we have been focused on the preproduction and social media plan, so to have a plan ready to execute is exciting. We have decided, as part of furthering our social media outreach, to use a portion of our budget towards promoting our posts on Instagram. As of now, we do not have the finalized cost of this, as there is no set price for advertising on Instagram, costs can vary between twenty cents and two dollars (based off the number of clicks the post receives), or five dollars per every 1000 views the post garners. Our second Instagram post went up today, and we will be starting the process of promoting in the very near future, and will then be able to finalize our cost.

Our timeline for shoot dates is prepared as well as more than half of our cast. While it was challenging to coordinate with so many separate, vastly different schedules, we managed to split up the production work on different days to shoot with different actors. As of now, our dates for production are April 4th (during class time), 5th, 7th, 11th (also during class time), and 12th, during these production dates we will be securing footage of the four interviews as well as B-roll footage. The actors for agriculture and tourism related scripts have been confirmed, and will a part of the shoots on the 4th and 11th. Casting for our Caribbean and international refugee characters has proven to be slightly more challenging, but that is because it is important to our team that the casting is done carefully and with respect for the groups being portrayed. As of today, we are in talks with three actors who can portray these parts and will hopefully be confirming their involvement within the next day.


Kaleb promoted our most recent instagram post on his personal profile to draw more audience members towards our cause.

Lexie discusses casting with Erfaan, deciding who will play each character, as well as fleshing out their stories.

Sami runs through the group members’ schedules to plan shoot dates with actors from the Theatre program.

Timeline of events:

- 4/4 11am-2: team meeting for production, ecotourism character shoot

- 4/5, 2:30-4pm: some of the team meeting for a shoot on location for b-roll, interviewer footage

- 4/7, 12pm: 2 interviews and b-roll

- 4/11 class time: agriculture interview, and more production make-up work if needed

- 4/12: another make-up shoot day if actors cannot make previous dates

- Begin editing the week of the 14th

Challenges: Just the problems in casting mentioned above, but we are working those kinks out as we speak.

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