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No Planet B Progress Report #1


Updated: Apr 2, 2019

Our podcast is rapidly becoming something truly special. In the past few weeks, we have recorded two podcasts. For our first podcast, we interviewed Aurora Aparicio about sea level rise, and for our second we interviewed Dr. Vasu Mira about weather and climate modeling. After each podcast, our media and production majors edit each audio file, and the environmental science and geography majors review the audio and find relevant links to provide more information to our listeners. We are continuing to contact potential guests to interview and solidifying dates to record upcoming podcasts.

Podcast host Wyatt Jordan in the COAPS Building, where we interviewed Dr. Vasu Misra.

We have created our Instagram account, @noplanetbfsu as well as our Twitter, @NoPlanetBcast. Instagram will primarily be used to introduce our guest experts, and Twitter will be used to interact with our followers and figure out what they want out of new episodes. We have also created our Youtube account, which will include small snippets of each podcast. Keep an eye out for posts and podcast uploads, coming soon!

Podcast host Breanna Waterman in the COAPS Building, where we interviewed Dr. Vasu Misra.

Our goal is to make our podcasts as accessible and informative as possible, while also being entertaining. Our environmental science and geography majors working on the podcast have began researching calls to action local to Tallahassee, Florida. We want to inform our listeners of these local organizations so that they can get involved and make a difference.

Editor Aleks is four hours into an eight hour edit.

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