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No Planet B Progress Report #2


Since our initial progress report, we have developed enough content to officially launch our campaign. We refrained from posting too much on social media until we had enough content because we wanted to adhere to a schedule.

Happy to get our intro recorded with Breanna and Wyatt. We are uploading this intro to Youtube and Instagram in preparation for our first episode to be released this Friday, April 5th!

Every week we plan on posting a teaser for the upcoming podcast episode, then later on in the week we will post the full episode on Apple Podcasts. Along with the full episode on Apple Podcasts, we will post 4-5 minute segments on YouTube. These segments will each deal with a specific topic within our weekly episode. For instance, our first episode deals with sea-level rise, and one of our segments is focused on greenhouse gases. Most of the first and second episodes are finished, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the group. We had people work on scheduling, recording, interviewing, editing, and even taking notes on the podcast itself. Now that we’re wrapping up recording the episodes our focus lies with developing our social media presence. We already have conceptualized various graphics, gifs, and short videos that will add a bit of flair to our image.

Our weekly class meeting was very productive, we can’t wait to continue recording more episodes this week, and releasing our first episode as well.

Our YouTube has a channel trailer that introduces our podcast to the general public, but we need to start posting on Instagram and Twitter to announce our inaugural episode of No Planet B. There is still plenty of work left to be done, but through our collaborative efforts, we’re on our way.

A work in progress Photoshop picture to have a funny picture on our Instagram. We decided to go all out in being a little kitschy.



© 2019 Florida State University Climate Collaboration Faculty Team

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