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See the Difference Be the Difference Progress Report #2


Progress Report




by: Grace Specht & Wendy Parkulo

Since the last time we touched base, Instagram has gained 41 followers. This platform has grown tremendously along with our audience adding 6 new posts. The engagement of our followers has been great! We have conducted one give away where we had followers tag three people in the comment section of our post, then we randomly selected a winner (@kyliebringola). This was a great way to gain new followers. This use of engagement was an awesome tool to use our already committed followers to help promote our campaign.


by: Jayna Peacock

Our Facebook has been continuously promoting our Final Showcase on April 27th and we will now update the time for 6:00pm - 8:00pm. This platform has continued to post informative articles and info-graphics to help inform FSU students how to live sustainably and how easy it could be.
Promoting Our Final Performance

Informative Article: includes 15 ways you can go green



by: Thalia Fletcher

Our Twitter follower engagement is close to 200 impressions per post! Also, we have gained two very important followers @FSUCardCenter & @FSUParking. They are a huge help in engaging our target audience by liking our posts which then show on their feed for all their followers to see, allowing us to reach a larger audience.



On Friday, March 29th our group got together to film our second video. On Saturday, March 30th Jessica, Wendy, and Brittany completed the voice over to the video. The video was edited from Sunday-Monday and should be posted by Tuesday, April 2nd. The inspiration for the video came from Buzz Feed. We were highlighting the "Do's and Don'ts" on how easy it is to live sustainably. Using side by side footage of what do to & what not to do the video is portraying two characters one who chooses to live sustainably and the other who opposes these views.



We hope to have 100 followers on each social media platform by April 23rd. Our platforms are scheduled to post video 2 on Tuesday, April 2nd. We will be taking advantage of our Thursdays to work on video 3. The hopes for video 3 are to have it completed by Thursday, April 18th. We will also begin preparing for our final performance. We will be creating a script, casting actors, and completing pre-production details.



We have officially completed filming and editing video 2. We have jumped in engagements and impressions on social media. Our followers on all of our social media platforms have grown tremendously and we hope to see the numbers continue to rise as we near the end of our campaign.




We will hold a 10 minute performance in addition to showcasing our website home page and one of three of our videos. Our performance will highlight how one small step in the right direction makes a big difference. The actors will cross the stage throwing a balled-up sheet of paper and say "it's just one paper". The stage will then fill with numerous sheets of paper to the point where you are unable to see the stage. The actors will walk back on stage to pick up the balled-up paper they threw and say again "it's just one paper". The stage will become clean again, the actors will walk back out together to say in unison "See the difference be the difference".



(Relatively the same)

$30 - Prizes for Instagram Giveaways

$50 - QR Code Stickers to help spread the word about our project and direct people to the website

$10 - gas reimbursement for our video that requires driving around a parking garage

FREE - Reusable giveaways provided by Sustainable Campus; 3 reusable bags, sporks, and lunch packs

$110 remaining


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